2015 - 2017
Strong together

2015 - The DITF are a founding member of the German Industrial Research Association Konrad Zuse e.V.. With the consolidation of 130 institutes, industry-related research, as the third pillar of the German research landscape, is given a common voice for the first time at the federal level, in addition to universities and the four major research associations. At state level, the DITF have already been a member of the Baden-Württemberg innBW Innovation Alliance since 1997.


2015 - In May 2015, the DITF will officially become the third organizer of the International Textile Conference, which has been organized since 2007 by the DWI Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials, Aachen and the Institute for Textile Machinery and Textile High Performance Materials ITM, Dresden. In the future, the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference will be held every three years in Stuttgart. The two-day event is one of the most important textile conferences in Europe.


2015 - Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann visits the DITF in February as part of a tour of the county. He praises the textile industry as an "innovative and sustainable sector with prospects in future fields such as sustainable mobility, resource efficiency, health and care or in lightweight construction technologies". The visit program focuses on medical textiles, high-performance fibers and lightweight construction.

2017 - The DITF launch a new marketing concept in May: Three research institutes - one brand! The new DITF logo stands for the entire research center and represents all institutes to the outside world. The concept will be presented to the public for the first time at the Techtextil 2017 in Frankfurt am Main.

2017 - In November, the DITF will host the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf - International Textile Conference for the first time. The prestigious textile conference will take place in the congress center Liederhalle Stuttgart. Over 600 participants from 28 countries will discuss current topics in the textile world over two days. Minister of Economics Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut opens the event. The partner country in 2017 is the USA.